Tribute & Stories

Rev. Fr. Thierry Ndime (Son)

Meandering through the odds, you achieved more in life than your circumstances would have predicted. That’s genius. That’s Grace. That’s Blessing. Growing up, watching you ...

Terence Ndime E. (Son)

Papa, I don’t know how to say goodbye. If you are reading this, just know you have left a hole my heart that will take ...

Junior Ndime Ngolle (Son)

The only thing that gives me comfort now is knowing you won’t have to suffer anymore because Mum is taking good care of you now ...

Jackson Ndime E. (Son)

Farewell. If indeed you’re reading this message, then I want you to be at peace, papa. You are by all standards the best I could ...

The Ngwane Family

“Uncle Victor,” as the children fondly called him, was a man of calm strength, profound wisdom, and boundless selflessness—qualities that deeply touched each of us ...

Ngolle Christiana E.

Pa Vic/Monsieur Vic as I fondly called you ; the scripture tells us that there is a time to be born and a time to ...

Ngolle Susan

Dear husband, Father, Brother, Uncle, Mr.Victor as l use to call you. I could not believe death will snatched you away from us now. You ...

Jackline Ndime N (Grand Daughter)

Grandpa, so it is true that you are not coming back to the house again because that is what everyone is saying. That mean I ...

Epah Gillian E

Pa Victor, as we used to call you, your passing has left an unbearable void in our lives. Holding you in my arms as you ...

Ewang Dorothy

Pa victor was a great man and a father to all, very calm, even when our father his elder bro passed away, he made sure ...

Ewang Florence S

Repe as we usually called you. It is from you that we got that father love. And I thank God that we were able to ...

Colonel Epie N. Wilson

Pah Vic, as well known by all in the family, it is with a heavy heart that me, wife and kids are saying bye for ...

Delphine Dione

Papa, I find it hard to even find the right words. If I could use one word to describe you word, it would be “selfless” ...

Stephen Ngolle

You thrived to succeed in life and put smiles on the faces of all those around you especially your family.Your contagious smile,sense of humour and ...

Rev. Dr. Ntoko S.E

Like me, Victor was born in Muambong. But we didn’t know ourselves because Victor was younger and Muambong is a big clan with many villages ...

Sister Kate

My dear brother Victor !! I called you brother and you called me sister ! Not because we were from the same parents but because ...


Shocking but a reality that my friend and brother in need and indeed ‘Mon Vick’ as I usually called him While he also called me ...

Ebong Michael

I knew Victor through my late brother Peter Nkumbe Salle, by the time, working with the then CAMAIR, as a pilot. He came to drop ...

Pa. Sanda Oumarou

In God, we trust. Victor, I am among many honoring your legacy and cherishing the moments we all shared together. You were a trusted friend ...


I always thought that words would never fail me, but little did I know that day would come, and here it is, Papa I can’t ...

Ngozi Ewane

Lay down and get your perfect rest. Join your beautiful wife, together be our guardian angels, be the perfect couple in heaven. We will forever ...
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