My dear brother Victor !!
I called you brother and you called me sister ! Not because we were from the same parents but because the Lord made it so. Amen. It all started in the days when you were in Muyuka where you came to know my mum and my children. My mum always talked good about you ; how helpful and kind you were to her. At that time I was living in France ! That’s how you spent some time with us when you went to Holland (I think).
I came to know you better when I returned home for a period of time ; the brother I saw from afar and the one I saw live !! You made yourself look like a “nobody” but you were a “Somebody” with a big heart, humble, caring and supportive!! I will always remember all of these plus your gentle smiles!!
I thank the Lord for the life you lived on earth ; not a wasted one but a fruitful one in His service ! Amen.
Fondly remembered by my children and I.
Sister Kate.