Like me, Victor was born in Muambong. But we didn’t know ourselves because Victor was younger and Muambong is a big clan with many villages. But early in his life , victor moved down to Bambegung to live with his aunt while going to school. I frequented the aunt’s house because mama Menyange was like a mother to me also. Victor quickly attracted me because he was a quiet and amiable kid, looking a little delicate, soft spoken, respectful and never looked for any trouble.
We were separated for long as we both pursued our educational and professional careers but we met once a while and each time we did so he treated me as an elder brother. As time passed the relationship between us was also experiencing growth and intimacy, to the extent that when the wife passed away, he asked me to address the mourners in the Presbyterian Church Bonamusadi on behalf of the family. That was really humbling to me.
Besides the personal characteristics that endeared Victor so much to all who encountered him, his love for Muambong, his home clan, remains unparalleled. Victor was the coordinator of the Douala branch of the Muambong Development Association (MDA). There were instances when he singlehandedly hosted the general meetings whenever we scheduled them in Douala at short notice. He organised the Douala brach into one of the most active branches of MDA at the time. He was one of the top donors in terms of contributions to carry out development projects in Muambong. The most admirable thing about his giving spirit is that he wouldn’t even want to be noticed. He would quietly hand over to the table an envelope of about two hundred thousand and would not want to be announced. He attended all meetings, spoke only when it was necessary , and avoided controversies. During debates, he would make very useful contributions to enhance the spirit of unity of purpose. His efforts, in collaboration with others at the time, yielded the creation and part construction of the GBHS, GNS institutions ànd others that we can’t enumerate here.
Victor has faced health problems for a while, but at this time it has pleased God to end his life here on earth. This is a terrible loss not only to the family but to the entire Muambong clan and to all who work hard for the improvent of the quality of life for people all over the world .As Christians, and he was a devout one himself, we believe in God’s reward of a better life hereafter to those who by His grace desrve it. So while wishing the family in partcular and the development community of Muambong my heartfelt condolence
For this loss, we should all take solace in the fact that Victor has left the Muambong and ,by extension , the world scenes better than he met them and we pray that God in His mercy would grant him eternal rest.
Goodbye Vic.
Rev. Dr. Ntoko S.E