Shocking but a reality that my friend and brother in need and indeed ‘Mon Vick’ as I usually called him While he also called me PAPI. We knew ourselves back in 1975 and stayed together serving our master Late Pa Some Stone – the proprietor of Fess Technical and Commercial College Muyuka. Late Mon Victor was a gentle man, intelligent, soft spoken, a man who cross an ant without harming it, a man devoted to his job and christian life. Today you are no more but you good deeds remain for ever in our minds, You are dead but still living with us in mind and spirit,mr,
May the Almighty God receive you in his bossom and may your holy soul rest in perfect peace, You are ahead to prepare another home for us, where there will be no pains and sorrows,we loved you much but your creator the Almighty God loves you more. Once again, Rest in perfect peace, It’s me your PAPI
Ekabe (Papi)