I knew Victor through my late brother Peter Nkumbe Salle, by the time, working with the then CAMAIR, as a pilot. He came to drop applications to some companies for a job… One reply was from Pecten. Since he was using his friend, Peter’s address, it fell in Peter’s hands. Bringing it home, Victor had gone back to the South West region. l ” impolitely” opened it..reading through it I saw that he was called to turn up for an interview within a week. I hurriedly rushed to Tombel to inform the family…He got the job…
Years later when he wanted to get married, he took me to Kake -Kumba to visit his choice. He made me one of the signatories of his marriage contract.. Victor saw in me a reliable stepping stone to step on.
God saw that I was good to have me as a stepping stone for His servant, Victor. Who was I then to think otherwise
All I can say is that I admired him.I thank God for this. Out of sight is NOT out of mind, senior brother.I know now that you’re enjoying with your brother, Peter Nkumbe Salle now in heaven, who also left this world eight years ago. Hug your dear wife for me… till we also meet you people up there…bye bye Vickystern.
Ebong Michael